Saturday, March 7, 2020

decide to

use of (decide to)
decide to  का प्रयोग ........... करने के लिये किआ जाता है
decide to is used to talk about past habit.

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you decide to+Act v1?
Does he decide to+Act v1? 
I decide to+Act v1.
He decides to+Act v1.
I don't  used to +Act v1.
He does not decide to+Act v1.

forget to

use of (forget to)
forget to  का प्रयोग ........... करने के लिये किआ जाता है
forget to is used to talk about the habit of forgetting.

List of action _
1) Take bath
2) Eat food
3) Study
4) Attend party
5) Wish Elders

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you forget to+Act v1?
Does he forget to+Act v1? 
I forget to+Act v1.
He forgets to+Act v1.
I do not forget to +Act v1.
He does not forget to+Act v1.

learn to

use of (Learn to)
learn to  का प्रयोग ........... करने के लिये किआ जाता है
learn to is used to talk about learning.

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you lean to+Act v1?
Does he learn to+Act v1? 
I learn to+Act v1.
He learns to+Act v1.
I don't learn to +Act v1.
He does not learn to+Act v1.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Calling to

use of (calling to)
calling to  का प्रयोग .......... करने के लिये किआ जाता है
calling to is used to talk about the fetching information.

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Were you calling to+Act v1?
Was he calling  to+Act v1? 
I was calling to+Act v1.
He was calling to+Act v1.
I was not calling to +Act v1.
He was not calling to+Act v1.

Used to

use of (Used to)
Used to  का प्रयोग ........... करने के लिये किआ जाता है
Used to is used to talk about past habit.

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Did you use to+Act v1?
Did he use to+Act v1? 
I used to+Act v1.
He used to+Act v1.
I did not use to +Act v1.
He did not use to+Act v1.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Feel like

Use of feel like 

(I,we,you,they or plural)(he,she,it or sigular)
Do you feel like + act v1 + ing?Does he feel like + act v1 + ing?
I feel like + act v1 + ing .He feels like + actv1 + ing.
I do not feel like + act v1 + ing .He does not feel like + act v1 + ing.

About to

Use of about to

List of action _ 
1) Earn Money
2) Start business 
3) Get marry
4) Speak English
5) Roll Chapati
(I,we,you,they or plural)(he,she,it or singular)
Are you about to+ actv1?Is he about to+ actv1?
I am about to+ actv1.He is about to + actv1.
I am not about to+ actv1.He is not about to+ actv1.

Ready to

Use of Ready to

(I,we,you,they or plural)(he,she,it or singular)
Are you  ready to+ actv1?Is he ready to+ actv1?
I am ready to+ actv1.He is  ready to + actv1.
I am not ready to+ actv1.He is not ready to+ actv1.

Dying to

Use of Dying to

(I,we,you,they or plural)(he,she,it or singular)
Are you Dying to+ actv1?Is he Dying to+ actv1?
I am Dying to+ actv1.He is Dying to + actv1.
I am not Dying to+ actv1.He is not Dying t+ actv1.

Want to

use of (Want to)
 want to का प्रयोग चाहत के लिये किआ जाता है
Want to is used to talk about the Wish.

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you want to+Act v1?
Does he want to+Act v1? 
I want to+Act v1.
He wants to+Act v1.
I do not want to +Act v1.
He does not want to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Make friends.
  • Go for long drive.
  • Take milk.
  • Next life.
  • Charge battery.

Need to

use of (Need to)
 need to का प्रयोग ज़रूरत के लिये किआ जाता है
Need to is used to talk about necessities. 

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you need to+Act v1?
Does he need to+Act v1? 
I need to+Act v1.
He needs to+Act v1.
I do not need to +Act v1.
He does not need to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Earn Money.
  • Learn English.
  • Elect Government.
  • Use Internet.
  • Make Food.

Love to

use of (Love to)
 love to का प्रयोगगहरी पसन्द के लिये किआ जाता है
Love to is used to talk about strong liking. 

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you love to+Act v1?
Does he love to+Act v1? 
I love to+Act v1.
He loves to+Act v1.
I do not love to +Act v1.
He does not love to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Speak English.
  • Teach English.
  • Learn English.
  • Obey the Parent.
  • Use You tube.

Plan to

use of (Plan to)
plan to  का प्रयोग सोचने के लिये किआ जाता है
Plan to is used to talk about the an event which will happen in future.

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you plan to+Act v1?
Does he plan to+Act v1? 
I plan to+Act v1.
He plans to+Act v1.
I do not plan to +Act v1.
He does not plan to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Study ahead.
  • Join politics.
  • Join professional course.
  • Harm others.
  • Buy a Car.

try to

use of (Try to)
try to  का प्रयोग कोशिश करने के लिये किआ जाता है
Try to is used to talk about the Strive.

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you try to+Act v1?
Does he try to+Act v1? 
I try to+Act v1.
He tries to+Act v1.
I do not try to +Act v1.
He does not try to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Produce Crops.
  • Sketch.
  • Fetch milk.
  • Develop Software.
  • Explain issue.

dare to

use of (Dare to)
 dare to का प्रयोग हिम्मत के लिये किआ जाता है
Dare to is used to talk about strong courage.


I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you dare to+Act v1?
Does he dare to+Act v1? 
I dare to+Act v1.
He dares to+Act v1.
I don't dare to +Act v1.
He doesn't dare to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Fight with Khali.
  • Defeat Mr. Modi.
  • Build a Company.
  • Destroy public property.
  • Speak Against Government.

Like to

use of (Like to)
 Like to का प्रयोग पसन्द के लिये किआ जाता है
Like to is used to talk about liking. 

I,  we, you, they or plural

 He, she, it or singular 

Do you like to+Act v1?
Does he like to+Act v1? 
I like to+Act v1.
He likes to+Act v1.
I do not like to +Act v1.
He does not like to+Act v1.
    list of action
  • Eat Chicken.
  • Keep smile on face.
  • Welcome Guest.
  • whistle.
  • Have a drink.